According to Webster Dictionary: a-ri-a. (ä΄rēַə), noun, 1. an elaborate melody sung by a single voice 2. a striking solo performance [Italian, from Latin ǎera, literally means air]

BEST IN SHOW Winner - 2009 - New Orleans. V214-08 who is a son of Martin (R034-06) who you can listen to on this site (see Arias and Photos page). Judge Patricia Hartnett said she could "listen to this bird sing ALL DAY".
I don't go to competitions anymore. They are just too far to travel to for me, but I am proud of the birds that I did show who won their ribbons and were recognized for their fantastic song. I've continued those wonderful lines, and have their legacy being passed on to those I keep today. I always enjoy looking back on their pedigrees and seeing "Martin" or "V214" among the great grandfathers and great great grandfathers.
Jeanne Pieper, American Singer Judge (left) with BEST IN SHOW Winner, Brenda Varhola (right) - 10/16/10. The bird is E358-10 and is a son of V214-08 (shown in the first photo in this section, and a grandson of Martin R034-06). Ms. Pieper exclaimed that he is the "one of the best American Singers she has ever heard with variety, tone, posture and accent notes".
Winning Lineup in New Orleans 10-30-10 - My birds are in the 1ST, 3RD, 5TH, and 7TH place. Now isn't that 'odd'. The Best in Show winner is E406-10, who is a grandson of Martin (R034-10). He's a heavy variegated blue. Judge Vanessa Johnson said he is a "showman that draws attention".
This handsome cinnamon bird (E415-10) won BEST IN SHOW in Temple, Texas in 2010. The judge said he was entertaining, with a sweet, long song. He is a son of V214-08 (shown in the first photo in this section, and a grandson of Martin (R034-06). Great songs do run in the bloodline!
Birds and Products
I raise wonderful American Singer canaries, following the principles and guidelines set out by the founders of the breed.
The goal in my birdroom is to produce canaries that have an outstanding, free harmonious song with plenty of variety and a beautiful shape that will please the average pet owner. This is true to the intention of the original creators of the American Singer breed.
As Spring approaches, breeding pairs are carefully selected with that goal in mind, but with the added challenge of producing show quality young to exhibit at bird competitions. An American Singer competition is mostly about the song, and the largest portion of points the judge can award the birds is based on the bird's freedom (willingness to sing) and their rendition (elements of their song).
Because I want others to experience the joy of hearing an......"Aria From A Bird Cage", I make some of my canaries available to folks who want to enjoy a pet bird in their home. Males are generally offered for $125-$150 and hens for $50-$75. My foundation stock includes all colors, from yellow, white, green, blue, cinnamon, and fawn and wonderfully variegated birds. I just set up a few pairs each year, because I want to keep this hobby FUN for me, and not a lot of WORK!!! I do that by limiting the number of birds I keep and raise.
Birds are bred early in the year, during January, February and March. As Summer approaches, the youngsters are growing and young males are refining their singing skills by listening to older males who are tutoring them. By early Fall, folks on the list are contacted to arrange a visit to the aviary to make their selections. I don't sell babies before they have completed their juvenile molt, as that is a physically demanding time for them and they need to come through it without the added stress of moving to a new home. I also do not ship birds due to the risks involved (delays in delivery, conditions and cleaners used in holding areas during shipping, rough handling, stress to bird).
All canaries I raise are banded with American Singer closed leg bands which are engraved with the year of hatching and the bird's unique number. The bands are registered with the National Secretary of the American Singer Club, Inc., assuring purchasers that the birds are purebred representatives of the breed. A written pedigree is also available for each canary.